And I’ve started

With the 1st November on us NaNoWriMo has begun, I have started writing. With a few weeks of planning already done I have a vague plan of what I’m writing for the next month.

Ideas, names, questions and gaping plot holes here I come. Yes this is a draft zero, and I will need to keep reminding myself on this for the next month and not do my usual and go back editing as I go – that’s for some time down the line.

I know where this is going to fit into my timeline of the universe. I know somethings an author will always keep in their head on how those small items will link between seeming separate stories and still allowing the autonomy of each story to remain.

This is going to be a fun month. It’s going to be a hard month. There will be coffee. I will find places to go and write, to cry and laugh and swear (silently and politely – this is Canada!).

Wish me luck.

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